

“The most obvious service that Jamie did for Irving was helping him focus on the writing of a well-crafted, well thought-out admissions essay. But the bigger, more subtle thing Jamie did was help my son figure out what it is he wanted from a college, what he thought that college could do for him, and what he imagined that relationship would look like. The result was my son was enthusiastically accepted by his top pick. A smart, kind and clever dude. Perfect fit for my kid.”

David M., father of Irving M., Dunbar High School, Lexington, KY, ‘22, Yale University, ’26

“I met with Jamie every week for three years as an academic coach at Northfield Mount Hermon School. During our time together, he helped me tremendously with time management in addition to comprehensively reviewing my writing.  Through the relationships he developed with teachers, he provided me with the best advice to become successful in all of my classes. He also assisted in my college application process. He was available to talk to regarding any stress or indecision and provide his wealth of understanding regarding the college admissions process.”

Tobias (Toby) King
United States Naval Academy, '27

"My son benefited tremendously from working with Jamie. He told me that Jamie was empathetic and knowledgeable about the college application process. Jamie helped to motivate him to do the work, asking good questions and giving helpful feedback on drafts. From a parent perspective, it was such a relief to outsource what would otherwise have required stressful, conflict-laden interactions. I also appreciated Jamie's experience and perspective on working with young adults.”

Donna L., Brooklyn, NY, mother of John L.
Hunter High School ‘21, University of Chicago, ‘25

"We are incredibly appreciative of everything Jamie did for our son. More than "just" a tutor, Jamie was great at helping Jack organize and prioritize - never his strong suit - making it possible for him to get important assignments done and meet deadlines. Beyond academic support, Jamie was able to get through to Jack like no one else was, getting Jack to trust and work with him in a productive way, as opposed to being oppositional like so many other adults. My husband and I aren't sure if Jack would have been able to graduate from NMH and get into a top university without Jamie's help."

Jonathan P, father of Jack P.
Northfield Mount Hermon School, ‘21, Michigan State University, ‘25

“Jamie became an important mentor, helping me through the entire college application process. He fully prepared me for the SAT, taught me all the fundamental skills needed to write strong college essays, and even helped me select the best schools for me to apply to. He’s worked with me to improve my writing significantly, which also has helped me excel more in my English and literature classes. Spending over two years with Jamie not only has helped me plan my future and reach my goals, but also has been a very valuable learning experience itself. I can’t thank him enough for how much he has given me.”

Ceara Zhang
Northeastern University, ‘24

“Jamie is fantastic. He has helped two of my kids through the college application process (one more to go, Jamie!), and as a parent I will say, I might not have survived the process without him. SAT prep, help with and insights into writing college essays, figuring out how to find the right schools to apply to and how to organize it all - Jamie was there to help with everything. He was truly invaluable to my kids and me in this process. Thank you for being so awesome, Jamie!”
Petra S., Greenfield, MA

“Jamie helped me improve my writing in History, English, and Greek Mythology. In each class, he walked me through every step of the writing process so that when it finally came time to write my college essays I already had all the fundamental skills. Over our three years working together, he became a mentor without whom I would have been unprepared for college.”

Diana D.
University of British Columbia, Class of 2021

“Jamie Berger is a talented academic coach who easily establishes rapport with his students creating an atmosphere that fosters self-confidence, self-awareness, self-efficacy, and self- advocacy. Jamie uses his knowledge of executive skill strategies, reading, and writing to support the academic achievement of his students, fostering their transition from student to scholar. Students who work with Jamie sing his praises.”

Margaret Van Baaren, Director
Center for Academic Strategies and Achievement
Northfield Mount Hermon School

“Jamie has great experience working with teens who are looking to excel not only on tests but also in life. He’s knowledgeable and has a good perspective on how to teach test prep and overall skills that are needed for being prepared for college. I worked with him on everything from papers, to SAT prep, to my college application essays and I’m glad I had him to help me through it all.”

Estevan V.
Amherst College, ‘20

“Jamie has been a valued colleague for many years. He works one-on-one as a learning coach/tutor with students on their homework assignments and papers. Jamie has just the right temperament, curiosity, eclectic interests, and people skills to work with a wide mix of teenagers. I try to get Jamie for my kids rather than our other tutors. He improves not only their work but their lives.”

Meg Donnelly
English Department
Northfield Mount Hermon School

Get in touch with Jamie anytime by phone or email.